Air your AMENDS on our Community Clothesline

Please join Facility and Carl Schurz High School to make AMENDS s part of a city-wide, community correction toward the eradication of racism.

July 9-12, 2020 from 11am-6pm | Carl Schurz High School front lawn

Facility is honored to be working with Carl Schurz High School to realize the participatory component of AMENDS — a community clothesline to shed light on our individual roles around systemic racism. Our neighbor and a neighborhood pillar, Schurz is the perfect partner to help us connect with Chicagoans for this city-wide community correction. We invite everyone to use this moment and this project to find and share things they can change or ways they can help dismantle racism. 

We will be on the front lawn of Schurz July 9-12 from 11am-6pm to launch the project, as well as welcome contributions throughout the summer at the yellow “AMENDS” table on the front lawn of Schurz.  If you would like to participate in the project, but would prefer to do it at home, OR if your community group, church or student organization would like to participate, please email Bob at Facility at and we will be happy to assist you.

Dismantling systemic racism starts by making sure that everyone has a voice.  That is why we have decided to align this project with a voter registration event where volunteers will be on hand to assist with voter registration and census submissions. 
